Dear Friends,
Tashi Delek!!
We have ushered into a new year with new hope and renewed energy. But when I look back at the year 2023 to reflect on the work we have done, I am quite happy and satisfied with the efforts we made and with the outcomes ensued of the years of dedicated work from all of us. If we go by the CBSE examination result, which is considered a benchmark to weigh the performance of a school in India then we have every reason to rejoice. A total of 497 students graduated Senior Secondary Education from TCV schools. The performance of all the TCV schools were immaculate.
A diverse range of co-curricular activities, essential for the holistic development of children, are organized across all TCV schools during an academic year. We took our effort one step further with registration of TCV Dharamsala and TCV Chauntra in the Tibetan Opera ‘Lhamo’ community. A team of 70-80 student artists trained in Lhamo performance from these two schools participated in the Shoton festival held in Doeguling Tibetan Settlement in South India.
Inspired by His Holiness’ profound message that while educating the minds, we must not forget to educate the heart of our youth, we embraced the SEE Learning program (Social, Ethical and Emotional Learning) in our schools. SEE Learning is a program is designed to cultivate social and emotional aspects of children’s development by the Emory University.
I am immensely happy and proud to share with you that ‘The Dalai Lama Institute for Higher Education’ (DLIHE) has become the first Tibetan Institution to confer a Doctorate degree. The first batch of doctorate scholars has graduated from the Institute this year. With this, TCV has become an institution that nurtures and provide education from Kindergarten to PhD.
As invited, I had the honour to visit our alumnus in the United States and Canada this year. During the month-long tour, I had the wonderful opportunity to connect with hundreds of alumni and friends of TCV and discuss with them the prospects and challenges that lies ahead of us. I am overwhelmed with their sense of allegiance and concern toward the Alma mater. I would like to thank the alumni association members for working so hard and making the visit a success. While I highlight our achievements, I am well aware of the shortfalls and challenges that we need to overcome. TCV as you know is the largest institution working for the education and care of children in exile assigned to play a multi-faceted role. Our successes are the results of the blessings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the collective efforts of: financial support from our sponsors and donor, dedicated service from our staff members and guidance and leadership of Amala and the Central Tibetan Administration. I take this opportunity to thank everyone for contributing to the noble endeavour and request all to continue your support with the same zest.
Happy New Year and Happy LOSAR.
Sonam Sichoe(Mr.)
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